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Application status of controllers in packaging machinery industry

  • Categories:Industry News
  • Author:
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  • Time of issue:2016-04-21 14:05
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(Summary description)The situation of using controllers in packaging machinery is quite different. Large-scale production lines use fieldbus technology with thousands of control points. Most of the single machines use PLC or special controllers. Some medium and low-end equipment use relay control.

Application status of controllers in packaging machinery industry

(Summary description)The situation of using controllers in packaging machinery is quite different. Large-scale production lines use fieldbus technology with thousands of control points. Most of the single machines use PLC or special controllers. Some medium and low-end equipment use relay control.

  • Categories:Industry News
  • Author:
  • Origin:
  • Time of issue:2016-04-21 14:05
  • Views:
  The situation of using controllers in packaging machinery is quite different. Large-scale production lines use fieldbus technology with thousands of control points. Most of the single machines use PLC or special controllers. Some medium and low-end equipment use relay control. More small-scale equipment does not use any electronic controllers. In general, only about 10% of domestic packaging machinery use advanced controllers.
  IPC is the best in terms of performance, has strong scalability, and abundant software resources enable it to develop more application solutions. It is currently mainly used for the management and communication of large-scale equipment. The embedded controller has the characteristics of fast communication speed, convenient communication, and lower cost when used in batches. PLC has the best reliability, easy development, and can meet the requirements of all current packaging machinery. The PLC system can be large or small, and it will still be the mainstream controller for packaging machinery within 5 years; relay, as the previous mainstream controller, will continue to continue in the low-end market. Although the market has declined, it will continue to be used in packaging machinery in the next few years. The industry will still have a certain market space. But it will not be eliminated in the packaging industry within 3 years.


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